What is Digital Marketing and how to do its course? How many types are there? Digital Marketing in ENGLISH

Today's phase is changing very fast, so it is important for everyone to know what digital marketing is. What is digital marketing in Hindi? Digital marketing experts are hired to spread their business through digital medium.

But here also comes the question of how to learn digital marketing. Those who are aware of this already know how to make money from it.

Right now a lot of people do not know about its importance, everyone is aware about the education written but many parents still do not know much about digital marketing and that is why they teach traditional education to their children and In the same career, people can focus on making a career by studying digital marketing, but how to course it? If you are wandering in your mind, then we will give you information about it in this post. There has been a lot of change in the way of advertising.

Digital marketing "This word has been very popular for the past few years. Everyone knows the meaning of marketing, it is one of the main objectives of any marketing to promote your product and reach the customer.

But as the times are changing, the ways of doing business are also changing, now people are moving from the traditional way of doing business to digital marketing.

What is Digital Marketing and how to do its course? How many types are there? Digital Marketing in ENGLISH, tech with kapsThe medium to reach people has also changed. Today, if we talk about some way to reach 100000 people in an hour, then the most easy way to do this is by digital medium. Now if we talk about how this work was done earlier, then I will give you Let me remind that earlier people used to use radio cinema TV roadside poster banner news paper etc. Apart from this, people can also promote by installing loudspeakers in vehicles. Or used to do, but should we still stay on the same path today or should we adopt a method that will save both time and money and at the same time the result will be very good, your answer will be that we should work on new methods over time. The reason is that I thought that you should tell people what digital marketing is.

So now the question arises, what is digital marketing? Is it necessary to move the business forward? What can be its benefits? Today we have tried to answer these questions here in easy language.

what is digital marketing in hindi and what are its benefits

What is Digital Marketing

See content list what is digital marketing what is digital marketing in hindi digital marketing search engine optimization seo search engine marketing social media marketing content marketing pay per click ppc affiliate marketing influencer marketing email marketing inbound marketing marketing automation how to do course of digital marketing and learn how Video podcasts how to make money from digital marketing blogging seo website designing benefits of digital marketing benefits of digital marketing in hindi business growth in business growth lead in connecting with new people eneration to make visitors customers high conversion rates more visitors for less money costeffective than traditional marketing Brand Name Expansion build brand reputation real time result growth In a nutshell when digital devices such as smartphones, computers, tablets and any product or service via the Internet If we advertise to people, then this method is called digital marketing.

Digital marketing and marketing are different from each other in many ways. In HD, products and brands are promoted through electronic media. Digital marketing has a unique advantage that helps us to be very impressed in which of our ways. Which is not and what we can promote and understand this thing. Digital marketing is what happens, through our products It monitors the process of propagation very closely, how often the promotions are seen, when they are seen and for how long, as well as how much of a product is sold and what content we deliver. We are getting to know all these things and what is not. Digital marketing is made up of two words, first is digital and second is it.

Marketing Digital Here it means to say digital that electronic devices which can be connected to any person from any part of the world by connecting to the Internet, marketing means marketing and promoting the service i.e. using many mediums By making our product and service accessible to the customer, if we have seen the total here, then we can understand the digital marketing can be a way to promote the same kind of shops products through newspaper posters and banners and services to reach online marketing thing people in the world through the electronic devices and the Internet is propaganda apparatus of the new generation 

Career, in the shortest possible time, more and more people can be informed about the promotion and can be successful by making it popular, that is why we have many types of twitter every day in twitter facebook instagram youtube and website etc. We keep watching advertisements and this comes under digital marketing.

What is Digital Marketing in Hindi?
In simple words, if we define it, it can be something like this: Using an electronic device to promote a product or service is called digital marketing.

The point to be noted here is that many people consider internet marketing as digital marketing, but the truth is that digital marketing is widespread in itself and internet marketing is a part of it.

It has been in use since we were in the era of radio, you see advertisements on roadside electronic boards while walking on the road, this is also an example of digital marketing.

How did Digital Marketing begin?

Like we said above, this has been going on since the time of radio and just after that the invention of computer, internet and email increased its speed, now email could reach people in person.

Now people started using the computer tremendously, instead of writing the information of their customers in a register, now it was easier to note on the computer.

Similarly, as the use of electronic devices increased in marketing, in the 1990s it was renamed as Digital Marketing.

After 2000, the number of internet users had started to increase, people were now looking for things on search engines before purchasing any goods, so every business had to come online.

Later social media like Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter started attracting people and today they have become an important part of people's personal life. In such a situation, social media has also become an important means of marketing.

From that old time till now the trend of digital marketing has been increasing continuously. Below we have given a screenshot of Google trend, in which it is clear that the number of searches for this word is constantly increasing.

What is Digital Marketing and how to do its course? How many types are there? Digital Marketing in ENGLISH, tech with kaps

How to do Digital Marketing? What are the types?

We can mainly divide it into two parts: offline marketing and online marketing. Let us understand these two in detail:

Offline Digital Marketing:
Yes, offline marketing is also a part of digital marketing. This is a way of marketing in which digital devices are used but it is not necessary that it is connected to the Internet.

Many electronic devices can also be used in this category such as:
  • radio
  • TV
  • mobile
  • online

In this category, it is the oldest way in which people can reach their point in a constructive way through their voice and music. And the amazing thing is that the popularity of radio is still not decreasing and this is the reason that the revenue of radio channels has increased continuously in the last 10 years and in 2018 has increased to $ 470 million.

We all have been watching television advertisements since childhood. Some of these advertisements such as Action School Shoes, Zandu Balm, Washing Powder Nirma etc. have settled in our memories. But since youtube has come, people are now getting away from TV. There are many problems in advertising on TV, it is very expensive for small business and apart from this, targeting cannot be done in the right way while in YouTube it is very easy.

Here we are talking about SMS marketing, which has reduced now with the arrival of smartphones but it can be used even today.

Online Digital Marketing:
It is also called internet marketing, it is known by its name that such type of marketing uses such digital devices which are connected to the internet such as: mobile, laptop, computer etc.

Digital Marketing क्या है और इसका कोर्स कैसे करे? कितने प्रकार के होते हैं? Digital Marketing in Hindi, What is Digital Marketing and how to do its course? How many types are there? Digital Marketing in ENGLISH, tech with kaps

There are many types of online marketing too, out of which some categories are given below:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Affiliate marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): 
This is a way to increase the quality of a website so that it can be ranked better on search engines.

Any website or blog is successful only when people visit it. Bringing traffic to your website is not an easy task, many times traffic is brought by promotion through advertising, but if you want to bring free traffic or organic traffic to your website without advertising, then for this you need to search your website with search engine We have to optimize it so that the content of your website can appear on the search engine and this work is done by SEO.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM): 
SEO brings traffic from search engines for free, while SEM is a paid way in which traffic is obtained by advertising in search engines like Google, Bing etc. In this, the advertiser has to pay the search engine for every click.

Pay-per-click advertising (PPC): 
This is a method of advertising in which an advertisement is shown in the form of a banner or text and the advertiser has to pay a fixed price on each click.

You can see a better example of this on Google: 
Whenever you do some search, some ads appear at the top and side of the results page, they are actually PPC ads. This method not only happens in search engines but PPC advertisements are used on many websites.

Digital Marketing क्या है और इसका कोर्स कैसे करे? कितने प्रकार के होते हैं? Digital Marketing in Hindi, What is Digital Marketing and how to do its course? How many types are there? Digital Marketing in ENGLISH, tech with kaps

Social Media Marketing (SMM):
Social media marketing is a way to promote a website, product or service using social sites such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube etc.
Nowadays everyone uses social sites but it has become an integral part of our life. In such a situation, these social sites have become a very good platform for marketing.

Content Marketing: 
This marketing is a new way. High-quality and interesting content is created in it to attract the target audience and keep them engaged. The content here refers to digital content ie:

  • blog post
  • video
  • EBook
  • Infographic
  • Podcasts etc.

Its main purpose is to make the audience a customer by promoting a brand, product or website.

Email Marketing: 
Yes, email marketing, it still works today. In this, promotional emails are sent to many people simultaneously. Its specialty is that it is easy and cheap.

Affiliate Marketing: 
In this we promote the product or service of another person or brand and get some commission on getting sales.

Benefits of Digital Marketing in Hindi

If we talk about its advantages, then it has many advantages like:

  • It is economical.
  • The results are immediately visible.
  • Increases brand credibility.
  • More and more people can be reached all over the world.
  • It is easy to get advice and feedback from the customer.
  • Targeting is easy - if you want, you can show ads only to those who are your potential customers.
  • is convenient.

The best thing is that you can analyze everything easily: you can easily find out where and from which country your customers are, how many people saw your ad, how many people clicked, What can be their age, what language do they know etc.

And all this information will help you understand your audience or customer, according to which you can prepare your marketing plan.

How to learn Digital Marketing?

Anyone can learn digital marketing, it requires hard work, dedication and working in the right direction.

If you want to take a course from an institution, then you will have to spend a lot of money for this, so we recommend that you learn all things online.

There is no dearth of information on the Internet. Here you can learn almost everything through blog, website and youtube.

Hope you have liked this information about digital marketing. If you want to ask any question related to this or want to give some suggestions, then please keep feedback in the comment box below.
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22 January 2020 at 17:37 ×

hey admin
In HD, items and brands are advanced through electronic media. Advanced promoting has a special preferred position that encourages us to be intrigued in which of our ways. Which isn't and what we can advance and comprehend this thing.



Congrats bro Anurag Chauhan you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...